Recently my amazing friend Tess turned me onto a blog that drew inspiration from the film Julie & Julia....mind you this is a fashion blog I am writing about so no cooking is involved in this post. The blog I am referring to is called New Dress a Day, and it cultivates the art of fashion resoursefulness, something that I, myself am quite familiar with. The blogger has foregone all department store shopping from her life for a period of one year and has instead given herself a budget of a dollar a day to purchase one item from a flea market, garage sale, thrift store etc. and customize it to fit into modern day fashion wear. She has given herself 365 days and 365 dollars to accomplish this task and I for one find this to be incredibly courageous. I sat through at least 50 pages of her blog completely astonished at some of the pieces she was able to create out of something that most would easily pass by. The amount of creativity and ingenuity she puts into each piece is incredibly prevalent when you compare the before and after pictures of each item. This site offers not only creative ideas for out of date clothes, but also a lesson of never judging something at face value. What may seem like a lost cause such as a floor length floral moo-moo; could turn into a beatiful flattering dress with just a few quick steps and a little imagination. (Yes I just threw a life lesson into this blog...learn from it) So please take a look at this blog, I'll even make it easy for you by posting the webpage http://www.newdressaday.com/, now you have no excuse not to take a look, and I promise you'll appreciate it.
all my love,
Ali rude
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