Hello fellow rude debs and gents,
For the past few minutes I have been staring blankly at my computer screen at this box trying to have some random stroke of genius to write some purely poetic first blog post, and unfortunately by doing nothing....nothing happened. So I put on my favorite song, listened to the rain outside and just theoretically put pen to paper. So as you may have already concluded, I am not the best at communicating, just ask any guy I have ever dated. But I am going to try REALLY hard to express just as eloquently as I possibly can, what my outlook for this venture truly is. Firstly, I suppose I should illustrate just what this venture actually is. Specifically on January 12, 2010 my friends/business partners; Daryn Frank and myself, began setting the wheels in motion to create a clothing brand that mixes all three of our senses of clothing and lifestyles, and in doing so created Rude Etiquette. So far its been a mixture of classic style with a casual street wear feel. We've been finding different inspiration out of all kinds of different outlets, and in the past three months we have been able to produce three different styles of Tee's, Frankly Rude has been able to create an incredible website for the Rude fans to access, and Daryn has been the driving force behind the whole operation. But through out this, I have been feeling a little like I haven't been able to make such a strong contribution, and really voice the Women's point of view as...being the only woman in the group, i feel obliged to do. So here's this blog that I have created to do just that, and also give you little rude's a better idea of just who I am. So to put in short, I'm a 19 year old college student majoring in Theater (what else), balancing work and play, and just like every person my age, trying to define who I am and exactly who I want to become. That's why this brand has been such a great adventure, I have been so fortunate to find two people that I feel comfortable enough to share my creative perspective with, and create something that is bigger then myself. Because when it comes down to it, everyone wants to know that they have created something that shares a bit of themselves to the world in general, to know they've created something everlasting and permanent. And to me, thats what this brand is about, and thats what I want to contribute to it; a little bit of myself, my personality, to everyone else, and that is what I want to create with the women's wear line. I must tell you however that the TRUE women's wear line will be a little more slow developing then everything else as we are trying to create a brand and are still trying to get our name out there, but I have so many ideas floating around in my abnormally large head and I absolutely cannot wait to see them come to fruition, and am open to any ideas that you as readers, fans, rude's, and friends may have. I have absolute faith that all of the aspirations that our Rude team has for this brand will come true and am so looking forward to seeing that happen. So there it is, the first Rudetant post from Ali Rude about to be sent into the vast community of outerspace, and I must say I am a little nervous. So thank you so much for reading this and I hope you look forward to more of these to come.
Always yours,
ali rude
p.s thanks again van morrison for once again SAVING MY ASS!!