So word on the street is Jimmy Choo had some kind of embolism and decided to affiliate themselves with the ugg corporation and design a line of ugg boots. Now I have no personal hatred towards Uggs per say, I think overall they are a comfortable housewear shoe. I do, however, believe that they are an over exemplified, over produced, over priced trend that is leading people to believe they can wear their slippers outside of their home, and I for one do not condone such an act. Yes I encourage people to be comfortable with what they wear on a day to day, but there are plenty of good looking shoes that offer comfort as well, leading to the conclusion that you do not need to spend hundreds of dollars on frumpy boots that you can find duplicated for a fraction of the cost at any mainstream department store in the continental U.S. Now that Jimmy Choo has thrown themselves into the mix of this crazy fad I feel I must make my opinions known. Throwing studs and silly designs on these boots does not make them high end fashion, instead it further indulges this fantasy that sleepwear can turn into outerwear if you crank out your bedazzler and go to town on those already overpriced shoes. So I do apologize if I have offended any Ugg wearers out there I just had to vent and hope that my ideals resonated with a few of you.